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"Empty-closure", a common occurrence in manufacturing and assembly, is the operation of an actuator without inserting an FPC into the connector. It can cause connector damage or incomplete mating when the FPC is subsequently inserted. This white paper introduces the "empty-closure" issue by using I-PEX's MINIFLEX® series as an example, and how it is addressed, as well as the design know-how gained through analysis and calculation to ensure that the connector will function even if an empty closure occurs.
WhitePaper thumbnail I-PEX's unique countermeasure to potential issues caused by closing actuator without FPC inserted
I-PEX has released CABLINE®-CA IIP PLUS, which is compatible with both twinax and micro-coaxial cables, adding to its existing CABLINE® series of connectors. CABLINE®-CA IIP PLUS is optimized for high-speed 64 Gbps/lane PAM4 internal connections, featuring full 360° EMC shielding for noise immunity.
세선동축 Connector CABLINE®-CA IIP PLUS 삽입 방법
I-PEX는 세선 동축 Connector CABLINE® Serise에 CABLINE®-CA IIF PLUS를 출시했습니다. CABLINE®-CA IIF PLUS는 32Gbps/lane의 고속전송 내부 접속에 최적이며, 360도 EMC Shiel에 의한 Noise 대책을 실시한 ZenShield®를 탑재한 실드 FPC 타입입니다.
세선동축 Connector CABLINE®-CA IIF PLUS 삽입 방법
세선동축 Connector CABLINE®-CA 삽입 방법
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