
"Empty-closure", a common occurrence in manufacturing and assembly, is the operation of an actuator without inserting an FPC into the connector. It can cause connector damage or incomplete mating when the FPC is subsequently inserted. This white paper introduces the "empty-closure" issue by using I-PEX's MINIFLEX® series as an example, and how it is addressed, as well as the design know-how gained through analysis and calculation to ensure that the connector will function even if an empty closure occurs.

The mediums over which electrical signals travel can either help or hurt the electromagnetic compatibility of a system. Common mediums include printed circuit board (PCB) traces, interconnects, and cables. In order to see how intrapair skew induces EMI, EMI must first be defined.

Paddle card可与其匹配的连接器组合,并且可以根据公座电路设计 PCB 或 FPC。Paddle card易于添加到接地结构中,从而改善接地回路。 阻抗匹配得到简化,信号完整性在较高频率下得到改善。

Providing EMC Solutions for mmWave and Multi-Gigabit Applications in a Variety of Use Cases
ZenShield White Paper